I have been taking photos ever since I was 6 years old. My grandfather, my father and my grandmother were all keen photographers. All through high school I was a member of the camera club and at university I studied Fine Art and did a Masters degree in Art Education with a thesis in Photography.
A few years ago I suddenly woke up to the fact that “I am a photographer.”

In 2019 I was excited to find an online company called Fine Art America that prints and frames photos and ships them from factories all around the world. I have uploaded about 500 of my best photos to their site so if you see anything here you really like, feel free to order it from Fine Arts America. They are known for very high quality work. They also have a money back guarantee. Just click on the ONLINE SHOP button on the left of this page to see what I have in my online shop.

I am amazed at how beautiful the world can be.
Looking at a lovely beach on a sunny day can leave me speechless. I am overcome with the beauty of the colors, shapes, textures and the crackling feeling of “Life” permeating the environment. The beaches in Hawaii, Florida and Australia, and elsewhere in the world are wonderful for experiencing this.

Many people do not consider photography as “Art.”
Many people do not consider photography as “Art” because it only takes a split second to take a photo. But there is a lot that goes into that split second and even more that happens after the photo is taken. A photographer has to choose the subject, decide how to crop it, what angle to shoot from, what camera settings to use etc, etc. There are actually hundreds of decisions that need to be made before the photo is taken, especially with the endless setting possibilities on the new digital cameras. Then after the photo is taken, there are thousands of decisions that can be made about how to modify the image using the infinite possibilities that are available in the new digital image software. Then there are decisions about how to frame the image. Then there is the factor or making your own luck. I have gone to the beach on a stormy day and then been lucky to see a sky full of sunbeams. The idea that photography is not an art form just because it appears to be quick and simple is not true.

One important point about Art as photography is the concept of subject. A photographer can take a picture of something beautiful and the subject is beautiful, not necessarily the photograph.
What I try to do is take a picture of something and present it in such a way so the photograph itself is beautiful. The photograph becomes the art, not the subject. That is not to say I don’t take pictures of beautiful subjects, but more to the point; the photo is “Art” because of all the elements mentioned in the previous paragraph. This difference sometimes gets a bit blurred but that is the idea.

60″ X 40″ Canvas Print